Retirement planning is no joke. People work their entire lives to ensure security for themselves and their families, without a retirement plan all your hard work could go to waste. The attorneys at Morgan Legal Group will help you to secure your assets so that this worst case scenario never happens to you. We have over a decade of experience, working with clients of any age, to create an extensively detailed retirement plan that ensures the protection of your wealth and secures your family’s future.
Most people are under false impression that retirement planning is comprised of a few simple steps to set up savings accounts, but in reality, there are many intricacies involved in the process.
You may be wondering:
- Am I aware of, and applying, all laws that offer protection of my assets?
- Have I chosen the beneficiaries of every business and personal asset I own after I pass?
- Are my personal and professional responsibilities taken care of?
- Are my pension, savings and IRA plans all accounted for?
- Am I aware of all insurance benefits available to me, now and in the future?
At Morgan Legal Group, our business succession planning attorneys have years of experience in helping people like you, to make the best decisions that ensure the protection of your wealth.
It can be incredibly rewarding to share your wealth or assets with a charity dear to your heart. If you are planning on donating a large sum of your capital, it is essential to have an experienced attorney by your side. Our team at Morgan Legal Group PC is well versed in helping givers like you navigate the charity planning process and can aid you in making the smartest decisions to avoid any unpredictable charitable losses.
Giving to charity is both fulfilling and commendable, however the giving process can involve complex legal snafus. At Morgan Legal Group PC we help clients consider the following:
- How to navigate taxes with minimal losses
- How state laws can help or hurt your ROI
- Exactly which charities offer the most rewarding benefits to both recipients and donors
- When is the best time to give, how much you should give, and when to pump the breaks
At Morgan Legal Group, our business succession planning attorneys have years of experience working with generous people like you, to make the best decisions that ensure the protection of your wealth. It is great to give, but better and smarter to do it with guidance.
Medicaid Law
A Medicaid planning lawyer can help family members make informed decisions about the rules, regulations and assistance this complex government program provides. The option of receiving Medicaid payments for long-term care requires open planning and specific knowledge about this multifaceted government program. A Medicaid planning lawyer can guide the family through the Medicaid application process, avoiding problematic questions about eligibility and Medicaid enrollment policies.
As the cost of long-term care rises across the country, every family must plan carefully for how they will pay for nursing homes or assisted-living care, as may be chosen and necessary. Without critical planning, a lifetime of savings can be wiped out. A Medicaid planning lawyer can prevent this loss by helping families learn ways to legally protect certain assets and income. Morgan Legal lawyers guide families through Medicaid rules to ensure all steps taken to protect income and assets are completed. Planning for the long-term care for one’s self or one’s elderly relatives requires time. Working with a Medicaid lawyer offers a trusted planning path forward.
When a person dies, they leave behind assets that go far beyond money. Though difficult to imagine, an untimely death is never predictable. It is never too early to plan with intentionality and clarity for the distribution of your wealth, capital, money and other assets. Rather than waiting for a judge to divide your estate, a legal document drawn up by a wills and trust lawyer provides peace of mind and clarity on how you want your estate to be divided and distributed.
Without a validated will, estates go into probate, often for long, protracted time periods. A will can save your estate, your family’s well-being, and your business partners from years of quarreling. Here, is where an estate planning and wills and trust lawyer can help. A will that delineates how you want your estate to be divided is an essential instrument of peace and clear business planning. Wills can also make clear how valuable possessions are to be kept in the family or shared. Wills are flexible legal documents that make visible your wishes for all things of value and importance to you, avoiding family disputes and questions about even the smallest of possessions and heirlooms.
Asset protection laws have been established in this state’s legal code to ensure that the valuables of your lifetime, your accumulated assets of properties, businesses, or jewelry, are protected. These laws determine the value and process of how to protect assets legally from creditors or debt situations. New York and New Jersey laws are specifically aligned with each type of asset so that an asset protection lawyer can help protect your worth, whether it is real estate, animals, rare books or clothing assets that need safeguarding.
If you are uncertain as to who can sue you for your assets, the list is long. It includes a spouse, business partners, accident victims, Medicaid for nursing homes, shareholders, customers and other business associates. An assets protection lawyer and probate attorney can help you legally protect your assets from potential lawsuits and other risks. Protection can be yours with careful and guided asset planning.
Estate Planning allows you to determine how your capital will be distributed when you pass away. Estate planning is for everyone who is facing their own mortality and has accumulated, over time, valued capital, assets, and/or property you would choose to split, in some way, between family, friends and/or institutions.
Estate plans can be complex or made simple with the assistance of an Estate Planning Attorney. It is especially critical to complete a plan when your own business has grown into a large thriving company, if you have shares, or rights in more than one company and/or if you own properties in multiple sites. Defining who will take over what and how, when you are no long here to direct is crucial. An Estate Planning Attorney can help you lay out clearly detailed and defined instructions on who will have control and ownership over your business goals, assets, and aspirations.
It is incredibly easy to lose money if you are not guided through the complicated and wordy tax laws involved in trust and estate planning. For this reason, anyone in Long Island New York or New Jersey who own assets, is in need of an informed and qualified Estate Planning and Trust tax lawyer to help you protect your capital- to secure it and keep it out of the government’s grasp.
Taxes are heavily involved in the estate and trust planning process. Many clients are not aware of how complex tax issues can get, so before you begin this process alone or if you have started and are overwhelmed, the Morgan Legal Estate and Trust taxes team can assist you in making the best decision to secure your wealth and steer you away from calamitous choices that can have lasting effects.
Ensuring the well-being of disabled loved ones who live in New York or New Jersey when you live far away requires help from a probate attorney. Navigating the legal complexities involved with dividing and administering property and estate from afar, and/or ensuring a loved one is financially cared for in a health care institution or nursing home can require a locally-based probate attorney, to ensure the safety and well-being of all involved.
A Will
Probate law is deployed when a person dies without a will. It is then that the court has the discretion to identify and distribute the deceased’s property. This process can take years and cause much family strife. A will defines who will administer your wishes and your property when you die. The person/s who will inherit your real estate, prized possessions, and properties are legally specified when you complete this important legal document. A probate attorney or will and trust lawyer can help make this process easy and transparent.
Across the country it is most common that people choose a family member to be the executor of their estates, wills or trusts. If you have been appointed as an executor or are planning and setting up your trust/will, it is important and helpful to have experienced counsel by your side. In these matters, expertise in accounting and law is essential to the process of protecting your assets and ensuring they end up in the right hands. Morgan Legal Group is here to help you in these endeavors.
The protection of your business assets may seem straight forward but there can be many other stakeholders involved. If you are not well versed in this area of law, it is easy for errors to occur and opportunities missed. Morgan Legal Group’s executor and trustee accounting team have many years of experience in helping people such as yourself make the best decisions and create the smartest plan for the security of your wealth.
When a personal business that has been grown diligently and carefully over the years has to be taken over by new owners, due to untimely death, you want to ensure the business will continue be managed according to your goals, dreams and vision. Business succession planning allows for future business plans to be in the hands of your chosen leaders, protected from state and federal interference, and safe from competitor advances. A detailed plan, developed with a business planning lawyer, will direct all beneficiaries to your specified vision for the future, provide protection of assets and employees, and avoid seizures. Transition management plans can cover the future, protecting your dreams and maximizing your investment for all chosen beneficiaries once you’re gone.
When a person is no longer able to care for themselves, a request for guardianship may be necessary. When that request is made to the court, the guardian may be made responsible for making financial, healthcare, and/or property management decisions for the incapacitated person. In the state of New Jersey, there are legal definitions and regulations that guide those decisions.
Long Island Mental Hygiene Rule, makes clear how reasonable proof is required to allow for guardianship to be appointed for every level of care management, unless the person themselves offers to agree to the court’s decision. Article dictates guardianship rules for persons who are intellectually or developmentally disabled, in which case the guardianship would then take on the role of a parent. Guardianship codes are specific to the disability and impairment, as it is used to empower a person to manage and care for the affairs of another.
The law is clear in how it defines what it means to be incapacitated and the court legally determines when a person cannot manage their basic health and safety needs, deeming them to be an incapacitated person, or not. In most cases, and incapacitated person (IP) cannot care for themselves, is often unable to communicate their needs and is not able to make critical decisions responsibly. Guardianship is granted to someone who will be that person’s advocate in all areas that are deemed to be in the best interest of the IP.
For example, an appointed guardian may pay household bills for the IP, ensuring there is no financial abuse, that daily living needs are met, and/or take control over determining health care needs, and paying bills and taxes.
Elder Law
Family members with aging parents are called to understand the ways and means to ensure that their elders will have the financial capacity to meet future housing, and health needs. Planning ahead is critical, as each individual has specific wishes about the care they want to receive later in life. This is where an attorney specializing in elder law and estate planning can help. Elder law has expanded to guarantee that later-in-life plans will be clarified and well planned. Working with an elder law attorney provides discerning guidance to a complex landscape. Determining who will be in charge of caring for yourself as you age, or your elders, is a critical start to the planning process delineated in elder law.